What is Kinesiology?

As a Kinesiologist, I’m here to guide women dealing with the overflow of emotions of feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and lacking self-confidence. I am here to empower and support you. I use Kinesiology and essential oils to empower you with what you need to develop a connection to yourself and achieve greater emotional regulation.

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is taking a holistic approach to wellness. It is built around the foundations of working to shift stagnant energy inside the body. This natural approach also addresses nutritional, structural, emotional and energetic aspects to work through your concerns. We work in unison to uncover what the body lacks and how we can treat the root cause of these sources. 

How does it work?

The process of Kinesiology is entirely different for each client. Working energetically, I use muscle and energy testing to locate blockages or imbalances in the body. I work to realign these and correct specific issues through practical support, energetic corrections, essential oils and nutrition. 

How Quickly Will I See The Effects? 

Just as the process of my sessions is individualised for each client, so are the effects of kinesiology. Depending on how long you've suppressed your emotions and how much healing you've done will factor into the results of our sessions. 

For some, one session will be enough to feel completely transformed. But for others, if you’ve ignored your emotions and neglected yourself for several years, the healing process can take time. We'll work together to get you to a place where you can rediscover yourself and feel supported on your healing journey.

Who Does It Help? 

Kinesiology is for everyone. It’s here to be used as a holistic and gentle tool, giving you the resources to reconnect with yourself again. 

I specialise in connecting and emotionally supporting women. Specifically, those that have lost that inner connection with themselves and feel that they’ve drifted away from their meaning and purpose. 

I’m here to teach you techniques to use daily to release those emotional and spiritual blockages in your body and soul and empower yourself to free that negative energy.

If you resonate or feel that you need support regulating your emotions, then The CALM COLLECTION is for you. I’ve bundled together four fundamental essential oils based on the concerns I’ve seen and heard hundreds of women have. 

This bundle is for those women who have those feelings of overwhelm and are looking to find a deeper connection with their intuition and want to take control of their emotions. It’s for women who struggle with taking their power back and giving everything to everyone but not giving anything back to themselves. These oils are your tools to work hand in hand with your healing journey. 

With this purchase, you’ll also receive:-

 +  a complimentary 30-minute virtual kinesiology session. Just as powerful as in person, I’ll use my years of experience to master your energy to help you regain your strength to find your inner you. 

To help support your healing journey further, you'll also receive 

+ direct connection to me where you can ask all your ongoing questions - through WhatsApp

+ connection to our supportive online wellness community
+ 50% OFF further Zoom Kinesiology sessions

Take this as a sign to grab hold of this opportunity, redefine yourself, and reclaim your power. 

If you’re looking to begin your journey of self-healing, using kinesiology is a monumental step moving forward. If you feel ready contact me through my instagram and, book a session with me via zoom or in person so I can support you. 


1 hour zoom Kinesiology session $140
1 hour in person Kinesiology session $140

If you are a current, active member of my Young Living Community (you may have grabbed The Calm Collection, Oils Bundle or Low Tox Healthy Homes products Kinesiology treatments are discounted to $90 per session.