In 2006 my son Jack who wasn’t even age one started to develop a skin condition, this condition was so severe he was unable to play like a regular toddler, eat regular foods or come in contact with anything harsh near his skin or body.  I had his little body wrapped in bandages to stop further irritation from anything harsh that would further irritate and to help him from scratching his fragile skin.

At this stage I was also a mum to my daughter Lily who was also only 2 years old.  I was so confused, unsure and overwhelmed as to where to turn to get the help for Jack or how to continue to be a good mum to Lily.  I knew that I wanted to help Jack and wasn’t going to stop until he could be a regular child and play, eat and smile like his cousins and friends.  

It was suggested to me I get Jack an appointment with a specific practitioner in Kinesiology. This is where life started to change for Jack and our whole family.  Going to the session I had no idea what to expect but after after two sessions I was started to think this was going to be Jack’s way to healing.  I feel felt relief, like I had a direction in helping my child and also in being able to be a regular family.  There were setbacks along the way but many gains too but the celebrations were always big in our family when Jack could eat something new or play outside without irritation.

Along Jack’s journey we removed many products from our family home that we were using for cleaning, washing clothes and in the environment of our home as I started to learn of the nasty side effects of these products I was buying from the supermarket.  This is where Young Living became a part of our life, not only did their products help with reducing the irritation to his skin but the oils helped all of our family on so many levels.   I was so amazed and excited at the results we were getting.  It was suggested to me that I do a course in the basics of Kinesiology so I could help Jack at home.  From their my passion grew, further study, courses and research and learning, also many tears of doubt. But many years later I graduated as a Progressive Kinesiologist and also with so much knowledge about how our environment affects our health emotionally, mentally and physically.  I finally started to feel empowered in helping my family.  

As a mum it was my intention to help Jack and it was a big journey, he did eat regular food, smile and play with other kids pain free, but I also found myself going through my own journey alongside him and in 2013 I opened my own clinic with a passion to help others and find the answers they needed to live a life of with direction, clarity and confidence.

With this passion I have created a supportive and encouraging community where I support women and their families either in clinic with personalised treatments, distant video treatments and also workshops Women's Wellness, Essential Oils Basics and also most importantly on how to reduce toxins and chemicals in your home environment to create a "safe" home.  

My goal is to support you in living a fuller life with more confidence and clarity.   I'm here to help so contact me to arrange an appointment or to organise a workshop to support your needs.